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Green Jobs Training

Washington, D.C. is taking the lead in evolving a national model program for ‘green’ jobs training among the most at-risk unemployed citizens of the District. There are 10 Coalition members representing both non-profit and for-profit organizations, including the EmeraldPlanet, dedicated to bring progressive change within targeted communities of Washington, D.C.


As you are aware during the Obama Administration and the world-wide recession there is a constant drum beat of ‘green’ jobs while addressing the consequences of violent climate change. Even with over US$1 trillion invested by the American government in the United States alone to support the economy and reduce the loss of jobs, over fifteen million Americans are jobless or working below their human potential due to continued loss of employment opportunities while violent weather events continue to increase.

In the Washington, D.C., Virginia, and Maryland Region over US$313 million in Federal stimulus funds have been allocated for energy audits, energy efficiency retrofits, and weatherization projects among other green construction projects. As last reported by the Federal government, less than eight percent [8%] of these funds have been allocated and directed to the intended purposes due to the lack of local government and non-profit organizations infrastructure, skilled employees, and certified energy testing services.

The Green Jobs / Green New York Act

The Green Jobs / Green New York Act (A8901 / S5888), which passed both the New York Assembly and Senate, could be a model for other states.The legislation sets the goal of implementing energy efficient retrofits in one million buildings over the next five years and creating approximately 14,000 family-sustaining jobs. Efficiency measures help combat climate change, produce cost savings across the economy, reduce pressures on the electrical grid and provide public health benefits.

As Dan Cantor, the Executive Director of the Working Families Party says:

“The key innovation in the bill is a revolving capital fund, which would leverage private investment in energy efficiency to massively increase the use of existing technology…. [S]tate certified contractors will perform free or low-cost energy audits for homeowners, looking for repairs and upgrades (like air sealing, insulation, new boilers) that can pay for themselves through the energy savings they create. The work would be paid for by the fund — homeowners pay it back out of a portion of their energy savings (they pocket the rest, in addition to getting their homes repaired).”

  • The program will be funded with revenue raised by the auction of carbon emission credits through the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (REGGIE).

  • The bill allocates $112 million from these auctions to the NYS Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) and those funds will be used to leverage private and federal investments.

  • NYSERDA will establish a revolving loan program to provide up to $13,000 per residential customer to retrofit a home, and up to $26,000 to retrofit each qualifying business.

  • Energy usage will be reduced by 30-40%

  • In partnership with the NY Department of Labor, NYSERDA will also create workforce training programs throughout the state.

The Role of EmeraldPlanet

Washington, D.C. is taking the lead in evolving a national model program for ‘green’ jobs training among the most at-risk unemployed citizens of the District.

There are 10 Coalition members representing both non-profit and for-profit organizations dedicated to bring progressive change within targeted communities of Washington, D.C., being:

  • EmeraldPlanet

  • Reaching Out To Others Together (ROOT)

  • AFL-CIO Community Services Agency

  • Central Union Mission

  • Gospel Rescue Ministries

  • Augur Professional Services

  • Capitol City Champs



  • Second Chance

  • Employment Services

This is a Coalition of leading non-profits with assistance from selected for-profits to reach the 38% Africa-American, 28% Hispanic, and 16% White and Asian at-risk unemployed citizens of the District to become part of the ‘green’ jobs movement in the United States.

In order to share this pilot project and replicate it around the United States and overseas we have established a series directed and hosted by Dr. Sam Hancock on The EmeraldPlanet world-wide television program via Channel 10 TV located in Fairfax, Virginia. Information about the Coalition and its work is being simulcast to 532 stations around the country, with at least 105 stations downloading each show in all major American markets.

Once the global Trek starts in late 2010 this training program will be shared along with the other 1,000 “best practices” from the 143 nations and 750 major cities being visited. Such distribution will be conducted by daily Internet TV, main stream media outlets including Discovery Communications (Geo) and National Geographic Television, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, FlickR, Meetup, and all manner of print media.

As noted above the Coalition is a collaborative effort comprised of well known local organizations as well as key leaders from a variety of organizations and backgrounds. These members all have the same goal – job creation for the District’s high unemployed at-risk citizens. In particular the focus is upon matching relevant job skills with direct placement opportunities in the ‘green’ construction jobs sectors.

The initial goal is to identify, intake, test, train, and place some 500 youth (18 – 25-years of age), women, and adult men to fill identified local ‘green’ jobs.

Annual Job Fair at Temple of Praise, Anacostia, Washington D.C

Graduation Ceremony of Solar Energy Technician Training Program of WDC Solar, Washington D.C

Graduation Ceremony of Solar Energy Technician Training Program of WDC Solar, Washington D.C

Mark Davis, President of Solar Energy Technician Training Program of WDC Solar, along with EmeraldPlanet TV at the Graduation Ceremony, Washington D.C

Candace Lyles, Operations Vice President of Solar Energy Technician Training Program of WDC Solar, along with EmeraldPlanet TV at the Graduation Ceremony, Washington D.C

Graduation Ceremony of Solar Energy Technician Training Program of WDC Solar, Washington D.C


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Dr. Samuel Lee Hancock, CM

President & Executive Director,

EmeraldPlanet International Foundation©

Executive Producer, Creator, Host, The EmeraldPlanet TV©

Phone: 202-718-2762 or +1-202-718-2762 (WhatsApp Global)


William S. Busker, Esq. 

(On Sabbatical)

Executive Vice-President,

Phone: 202-718-2762

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