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Malaria Abatement and Eradication Project

It is estimated by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) that a child dies from malaria every 45 seconds on the planet, one child in Africa dies every 30 seconds. Globally, some one to three [1 – 3] million people die annually from malaria, 70% of these are children under five-years of age.

The following concerns a patented and trademarked technology completely developed and manufactured in the United States. The advanced technology is simple, low cost, extremely easy to maintain, and a proven health and live saving technology for Rotarians, Rotary malaria abatement, health care, water and infrastructure, among many other projects in all 200 countries and geographical areas. The “KNOCK DEAD” Skintex® MR III mosquito blanket and shemaghs will kill mosquitoes and any blood-sucking insect which touches the fiber, yet is totally safe for human beings, their pets, and livestock.

All of the Rotary International members, their families, and surrounding community citizens will have great interest in this mosquito and all blood-sucking vermin vector. This specialty, one-of-a-kind personal protection delivery system, is ideal for areas with at-risk Rotarians, their family members, and local community citizens who are exposed to high incidents of malaria, yellow fever, dengue, chikungunya, among other blood borne infections. The web site to preview the technologies are:

It has been said, “good ideas hide in plain sight”. Thus it seems we are compelled to make this revolutionary “KNOCK DEAD” mosquito blanket and shemaghs available for Rotary International’s 34,000 clubs and estimated 1.4 million members. By combining the “best of the best” mosquito elimination technology which is incorporated into one of the most used adult, family, and young children products, a blanket, along with the even more personal shemagh protection, we are providing a more comprehensive solution to the dire needs of Rotary members, their families, communities, internally displaced people (IDPs), disaster and conflict refugees, Polio Plus vaccination service centers, and HIV/AIDS medical treatment centers around the world.

Dr. Mark Rowland, London School of Hygiene/Pan African Malaria Vector Control, states, “the Skintex® MR III blanket fits everyday use as everyone does not have a home, insecticidal residual spraying, or even an insecticidal net, however it is understood that everyone does have a blanket.”

Dr. Mike Macdonald, when USAID/PMI senior health advisor, continued this theme in his statement as, “this Skintex® blanket is the first vector tool to protect people outside the hut.” This insecticidal woven blanket will help to: greatly reduce pain, suffering, and death of our targeted constituents; dramatically reduce the cost of health care; remove the burden of extended family members losing their meager daily wages; while helping communities remove the specter of daily “life and death decisions” through the use of a simple everyday-everyone proven solution.

Anti-Mosquito & Tsetse Flies Blankets for Babies & Their Lactating Mothers before 300 Community Leaders, Bugabo, Tanzia

Every Youth & Adult on the African Continent Needs Mosquitos, Flies, & Ticks Protection…Real Consumers for Life and Death Challenges

Faces Among 850+ Million Citizens of the 54 African Nations Needing the Skintex® MR III Mosquito & Malaria Control Vectors, Tanzania

Meeting with United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees concerning reaching 48,000 Burundian Refugees for Malaria Relief in Tanzania

Faces Among 850+ Million Citizens of the 54 African Nations Needing the Skintex® MR III Mosquito & Malaria Control Vectors, Tanzania

Speaking to over 500 community leaders & Women Small Business Owners from around Tanzania, Fountain Hotel Bunazi, Tanzania

Typical Woman Small Sewing Business serving Millions of Africans Across the African Continent

With Executive Chief Officer Federal Bank of the Middle East, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania

With Executive Officers of Josia Kibira University of Tanzania, Bukoba, Tanzania


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